In this op-ed article from The LA Times regarding Proposition
30, the author does a sufficient job of describing how Prop 30 is not strictly
just tax hike for public education; the author tries profusely to convince his
audience that, although most of what is circulating about Proposition 30 is that when it passes K-14 classes
will continue to receive the government support that they are already
getting, with the possibility of receiving of an increase in funding as well,
or, if the prop doesn't pass, K-14 classes will have a dramatic decrease in
funding, with a large amount of their state funding being cut. Although this is
precisely what we've been told Prop 30 will do, this article in particular was
trying to draw attention to the fact that what we the people were given an
ultimatum; either Prop 30 passer or public education funding gets cut. The
article then describes how the governor has just approved the building of the
$68 billion bullet train (with only $13 billion of its funding being
identified), and about the state parks department which withheld $54 million
while planning to shut down parks, describing all of this to draw attention to the fact that
the even if Prop 30 were to not pass, why is it that funding must be taken from
schools? It also poses the question that why is the governor currently putting
our taxpaying dollars into such ridiculous investments, and how can we expect
him to not do similarly with this tax hike when it's not said, specifically, in
the legislation that all of the revenue brought in from this tax hike is going
to go directly towards public schooling, just that schooling budgets won't be
cut. The article then goes on to describe Brown's plan for pensions and how his compromise to help scale them back
to help lessen the stat deficit, but I couldn't tell if this portion of the
article was meant to discredit Brown, or just to put in a little more info
about what's going on. All and all, I think with the direct affronts to our
Democratic governor, and the various quotations from well standing republican voters, it
would be very safe to say that this article was a right-wing opinionated article, meant to suede voters away from voting
yes on Proposition 30.
Great summary here! You hit on the major points and conclude with your critical analysis on the author's purpose. I am interested in your perspective on the underlying message and I would have really enjoyed reading a couple of direct quotations in support of your claim, so that I could better see, from the quotes, what made you think that this was "a right-wing opinionated article." Overall, great work here!
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