Sunday, September 30, 2012


Title: Undecided
Date: September 30, 2012
Analysis of Argument
Exigence: On November 6, 2012 there will be a very important proposition on the ballot in California. The outcome of this proposition will determine next year’s schooling budget, and, in part, the future of California’s public educational system.
Intended Audience: Opposing potential voters of California in the year 2012.
Purpose: To persuade the intended audience to agree with my perspective on Prop 30, and encourage them to vote affirmatively towards Prop 30 on Nov. 6.
The logical reasoning that I will use in my op-ed paper will include various statistics expressing the effects that will be had on CA public schooling if Prop 30 does not pass. Statistics will include:
·         …the state will automatically cut $338-million from community colleges, and $250-million from the California State University system. Public schools would be hit with even bigger cuts
·         If Prop 30 or 38 were to not pass, 5 days would be cut for the 2012-2013 school year and appx. 10 days from the 2013-2014 year in the SF school districts.
·         …founders and employees of Facebook, along with company insiders, will have the first chance to cash in their stock options, following Facebook's May 17 initial public offering. The governor and legislators have built their budget on the assumption that the state could collect a $1.4-billion windfall in capital-gains taxes
It is my opinion that the most effective means of explaining my ideas, so as to persuade my audience, will be by expressing the extremity of the situation and the universality of the effects the situation that will had by all populations.
As a student at a community college, my argument will have an especially strong and unique ethos by giving me the advantage of being a person who would be directly affected by the passing of Proposition 30. As well as being a community college student, I think it would also be to my advantage, in terms of ethos for this assignment, to include that I am a community college student from a low income background, and it would be near impossible for me to attend college and strive for the future that I desire, without the amount of government funding that I’ve received and without the different abilities and resources the state has allowed me and other students through its federal funding.
For the pathos of this assignment, I will draw on the fact that it is the government and political society in which we live in that has allowed all and any peoples in this country to achieve any success and fortune that they’ve attained and it should not be in the desire of any citizen to make that something that’s only attainable for the few and scarce. I will evoke the emotions of the reader by displaying a story of a low income student whose only desire is to move up in society and not be confined to low-standard of living, the likes of which are the only way of living that his/her family has seen.

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